Will I Have a Chin Liposuction Scar?

Is the prospect of a chin liposuction scar deterring you from undergoing chin lipo surgery? We hope not! Chin liposuction surgery can achieve amazing results for those with excess fat beneath the chin. And while scarring is an inevitable result...

Chin Liposuction Before and After: What to Expect

Chin liposuction before and after photos show women and men with outstanding changes to their facial profiles. From the sides and the front, each patient achieves a more defined jawline with less bulk along the neckline. This can drastically change...

Who Is a Good Double Chin Liposuction Candidate?

You may be a good candidate for double chin liposuction if you are bothered by excess fat or puffiness along your chin and neck area. Chin lipo, also known as submental liposuction, is not the ideal solution if you have...

Chin Liposuction Recovery Tips

Chin liposuction recovery should not be overly painful or uncomfortable. The majority of your symptoms will be noticeable over the first week. And from there, you will largely be dealing with swelling, some minor residual bruising, and the task of...

Is Chin Liposuction Bruising Normal?

Chin liposuction bruising is a normal part of the recovery process, along with swelling, possible itching, temporary numbness, and slight discomfort. While chin lipo is not as invasive as, say, tummy tuck surgery, it is still a serious procedure. We...

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